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Last weekend Isla from Elm class, took her pony to a show jumping competition, winning 1st and 3rd in her two classes. The judge was so impressed with how much Isla’s riding has come on in the last few months he awarded her the Most Improved Rider trophy as well! He said that Isla was very confident, rode professionally and could see how much work she had put in over the last month.

Well done to Rufus in Year 1 for earning his first taekwondo belt after only six weeks of classes at Beanland Taekwondo School!

Recorder competition, 1st place recorder 2 group!

Freya has had an amazing skiing holiday. She was a bit nervous to start ski school by herself but she loved it and made lots of new friends.


On Sunday 23rd February Jude in year 6 and Oxenhope Recreation under 11’s had their most important football game of the season so far. A win would ensure they could enter the next stage and the chance to win the Wharfe League Cup. 

After a very strong start Oxenhope Recreation were defending and scoring well and the goals were adding up. The opposition were struggling to keep the pace and unfortunately in the second half they became a player down due to injury. Without a second thought Jude took off his bib and stepped in to help the opposition in their time of desperation. 

True sportsmanship at its finest. Well done Jude!

Josh has added to his football trophy collection. What an impressive collection. Great job Josh!

Well done Freya on achieving your first swimming badge! 

Congratulations to Finlay Holmes, Jacob Hutchinson and Stanley Wallis in year 6, who have been selected to play hockey for the West Yorkshire under 12s team”


Eilidh performed in her very first concert with her choir last week. They sang in Salts Mill for lots of people, and at a care home for the elderly residents. They did amazing and brought lots of  festive cheer!

Armani was awarded a certificate of completion for her Qaidah (Phonetics and grammar in Arabic). Well done Armani!


Emmy has been awarded a trophy at her cheerleading class! She said it was for knowing the dance and performing the whole thing with no mistakes! Great job Emmy 🙂


Archie’s swimming achievement! Fantastic.


Isla in year 3 helped run a tombola store on at Asda in Shipley, raising a massive £368.43 for children in need. 

There are fifteen primary schools in BDAT, and we are delighted to share a proud moment for Mrs. Brodrick, our dedicated Assistant Head and Year 6 teacher. Nominated by colleagues, she was honoured with the prestigious Teaching Excellence trophy at the BDAT Excellence Awards Ceremony on October 25th. This recognition celebrates her hard work and passion, and commitment to our school community.

Joseph (cedar) and Elliot (Hazel) were invested in Shipley 1st squirrels this week. They did their promise, received a certificate and got their neckers. Well done boys!

Thank you to everyone that supported Lyra with donations or attended the Shipley Jumble Trail last weekend. Lyra raised a total of £300 for the World Land Trust!

This amount will be matched by World Land Trust supporters and will be doubled upon donation due to the current campaign – bringing us to £600.

Freddie was star of the week at his new acro class (he’s only been going 3 weeks!) for working hard and good listening.


Willow achieved her 50 metres swimming badge for doing 2 lengths at Shipley pool.

Eddie and Ethan have just become sixers (team leaders) at 3rd Shipley Cubs. Well done boys!


Jude won two 1st prizes at the Keighley Show this weekend in the children’s horticultural section. One 1st prize for his giant sunflower that won the largest sunflower head competition and another 1st Prize in the wonky veg section with a courgette that looked like a seal. Jude was most thrilled with the £6 prize money that he readily spent on sweets.

Well done to Joseph for completing his 6 week summer reading challenge within two weeks! Absolutely amazing.

Elin & Ruby earned their swimming badges.

DOUBLE WOW moment for Elin as she also passed Grade 1 Guitar exam.


Willow has received her level 1 diving badge from Shipley pool. Mum was amazed at how confident she is in deep water. Well done Willow.

Isla and her pony Alfie went to their first show jumping competition and came home with a 1st and 4th place! Isla has shown both determination and courage as she was a little nervous riding in front of lots of people but she did amazing and can’t wait to go again.



Lucas was awarded a star of the week certificate, for his good technique and jumping kicks at his kickboxing club .



Piper Airey from Cedar class had a WOW moment when she was awarded her ballet and tap exam medals and certificates at The May School of Dance, she got 81 and 82 for each exam and here she is pictured with her dance teachers at the exam presentation afternoon.



Ella Daynes (chestnut) has had a charity bake sale and managed to raise £403.70 for Huntingtons Disease Association. She worked hard doing all the home baking, making posters, raising awareness then selling cakes



Charlie did his 50th park run on Saturday morning, and got a personal best time too! Well done Charlie!



Our Recorder Club pupils have been successful in receiving their copper music medal!

Our recorder superstars!
What a proud achievement. Miss Anda completed the Great North Run in 2hrs 15mins!