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Writing Long Term Plan – click here

If you would like to view each year group’s individual Writing Long Term Plan, please see their class page.

Parent Spelling Workshop presentation – click here

Reading at Wycliffe 

At Wycliffe, our main aim is to promote a love of reading across a range of genres. Stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction texts are used as core texts to inspire and expose the children to a range of reading experiences and vocabulary.  Each child is encouraged to read daily at home. From EYFS to Year 2 all children take home a Little Wandle book which matches their phonic ability with the aim that they are secure with Phase 5 by the end of Year 1. Phonics is delivered daily to children in groups according to the phase they are working within and their specific next steps. Targeted keep-up interventions are delivered regularly in each year group to support children with their reading skills. Reading interventions are monitored by our English Lead and our Phonics Lead. We use Accelerated Reader (which can be accessed in school and at home) where children are encouraged to take a comprehension quiz within 48 hours of finishing their book. At Wycliffe, we want to promote a love of reading but to ensure that the understanding of what has been read is secure as well. The quiz questions are varied and provide a significant challenge for the children when answering comprehension questions. Children are heard reading by their class teacher once a week which is recorded in the child’s reading record. Reading records are encouraged to be written in at home to promote communication regarding next steps and successes.

 Reading in Reception – click here

Parent Partnership – Sharing books together

“Children are made readers in the laps of their parents” – Emilie Buchwald  

Share books at every opportunity. Reading books together not only means that you model how to hold and take care of the book, turn the pages and read from left to right but you also prompt speaking and listening skills, concentration and develop vocabulary. Please ask the children open questions to develop their understanding. This does not have to be at the end of the book. It can be based on what they have read so far. Discuss the role of the author and illustrator, find rhyming words, can they spot letters in their name? Can they retell the story in their own words? What happened at the beginning? End?

For younger children who are not yet able to blend words independently, you could also practise oral segmenting and blending of some of the words within the book. You say the sounds of a simple CVC word and your child blends the sound to say the whole word. E.g. Parent/carer: “In the light of the m-oo-n” Child: “moon”.


Accelerated Reader (Y1 – Y6) 

We have recently launched Accelerated Reader within school. Each child has their own individual login and is encouraged to use Myon daily and complete the comprehension quiz within 24 hours of reading a book. Please contact us, if you do not have a login for your child. Whilst in school, all classes have tablets so that children have regular access to quizzes online. Although this is only recently launched, the response to this initiative has been successful and we aim to build on this into the new school year.  

Year Group Expectations Progression of Skills

Year 1  – Writing Assessment Grid

Year 2 – Writing Assessment Grid

Year 3 – Writing Assessment Grid

Year 4 – Writing Assessment Grid

Year 5 – Writing Assessment Grid

Year 6 – Writing Assessment Grid

Handwriting Guide


Strategy for Writing 2023

Primary national curriculum

Spelling Frame is a simple, yet effective resource which allows your child to practise, test and play games linked to their weekly spellings.

Your child’s log in details will be stuck into their home-school reading record that they should be using for homework. It can be accessed either on a computer, tablet or phone and is very user-friendly. 

All words are read aloud (make sure your sound is turned up) and provided within a sentence for context. The programme includes all the words – both statutory and the example words – from the KS2 National Curriculum for Spelling. It can really help with spelling, especially for the SATS in Year 6.


We had a grand opening of our ‘Wycliffe Bookhives’ which are in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. All of the children were very excited to use them and we hope that donating and sharing books within our school will continue to promote our love of reading! The bookhives will be open before and after school. Please feel free to donate one of your favourite books from home for someone else in school to read.