Children can begin school at the beginning of the academic year in which they turn 5, either part time or full time, but they must be full time at the beginning of the term during which they have their fifth birthday.
- Children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 will begin in the reception class in September 2023.
- Children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 will begin in the reception class in September 2024.
Those parents with children due to start in September 2024 will have the opportunity to visit in November 2023 on one of our Open Days. Application for a place is made to the Education Authority by the January before your child is due to start in reception. Places are confirmed in April/May.
Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) have, upon mutual agreement following consultation with the school regarding its ability to meet a child’s specific needs, a statutory entitlement to a place at the school named in the Statement or EHCP. This is not part of the oversubscription criteria.
BDAT are the admissions authority for school.
BDMC administer admissions on behalf of the school.
Please visit the ‘Admission Arrangements’ section of the Bradford Council website for details.
When a parent requests a change of school, wherever possible this should be done at the start of a school term thus avoiding disruption to the teaching programme.
‘In year applications’ for any year group throughout the school year are dealt with by the Local Authority. Please visit the ‘In-Year Applications’ section of the Bradford Council website for further information.
To find information on the local authority appeals process please click here.