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01274 584779

Hazel Teacher: Miss J Ramsay

PE day: Monday & Thursday
Scooter Day: Wednesday

In Year 1 we will be exploring a range of informative topics through some exciting, creative and provision-based activities. The topics for our three terms are ‘Why live in a place like this?’, ‘Toys and Transport: Is progress always a good thing?’  and ‘Can you keep a monkey as a pet in Shipley?’. All these topics are based on a ‘big question’ which will be used as a stimulus for all the learning taking place in English, Maths, Science and all of our foundation subjects.

In Year 1, children will take part in daily phonics lessons. We will be recapping previous learning, learning new graphemes and phonemes and will be practicing blending and reading words. You can help further support your child’s learning at home by reading daily, completing half termly homework projects, completing our maths learn by hearts along with our weekly spellings.

All this support is invaluable and will be highly appreciated. Please remember to bring in your reading book and reading record daily, as it is an important communication tool between school and home.

In Hazel we believe that everybody can reach their full potential and be extraordinary if we all just try our best.