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Message from Mrs Baxter – 07.05.2020

A very happy Thursday for a change. We await once more for Government information in relation to commencing the process of reducing lockdown so nothing new to report in relation to returning to school for more groups than we currently are open for. I will update you as soon as information comes my way. There is much speculation out there, but until we hear otherwise we are currently abiding by the existing statements:

Stay home.   Protect the NHS.   Save lives. 

Our new one-page home learning document will be sent out later today and uploaded to class pages. We hope this will support you in any learning you wish to undertake and reduce the need for ICT and technology to support home learning. We are so very aware that this may be hard for everyone to access and see this new approach as a positive and more inclusive to all learners. If a paper copy is needed, please email the school office.

I trust you are enjoying all video links and contact that we are trying to make to keep us in contact with you – involving all members of our school community! Staff love being involved if they can and all send their warmest regards.

I wanted to spend the bulk of this email thinking about tomorrow – May 8thand its significance in the world we currently live in. We are fighting a strange war; we are coming through the other end; we are locked down – BUT we will not be knocked down!

Similarities indeed to 1945 … except as my ageing (very Yorkshire) neighbour pointed out from a two metre distance across the back fence!

“We ‘ad very little food and what we did have was ‘orrible. No TV, no wireless, and our play area was the rubble that used to be our neighbour’s ‘ouse. Our entertainment was counting the ‘bangs’ above as we sat in the dark cold each night – twelve of us and no central ‘eating of course. This was for years – not weeks. I don’t like this ‘ere lockdown but we ‘ave a lot more to keep us going than we ‘ad then. Now ‘ow did that Netflix thing work again on this remote and can you remind me ‘ow t’ Zoom?”

Lots of positives to take away………..and a smile at her take on matters.



When VE Day dawns on Friday 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. Years of carnage and destruction had come to an end and millions of people took to the streets and pubs to celebrate peace, mourn their loved – ones and to hope for the future, but not forgetting those still in conflict until 15th August when it was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II.

The 75th anniversary will provide our nation, and our friends around the world, with an opportunity to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life who saw us through this dark and terrifying period.

Here is a short video to watch at home:

Get involved!

Take part in the ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2’ at 3pm on the 8th May, from the safety of your own home by standing up and raising a glass of refreshment of your choice and undertaking the following ‘Toast’ – “To those who gave so much, we thank you.” using this unique opportunity to pay tribute to the many millions at home and abroad that gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today (even in lockdown).

It will be an opportunity for us all to remember the enormous sacrifices that were made at home and abroad and to joyously celebrate as people did 75 years ago, the arrival of peace in Europe.

A reminder to try to have a go at thanking your teachers…..

Stay safe.

Stay home.

Stay kind.

Mrs. Baxter and your Wycliffe family.