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New Admission Policy under consultation

The Governors of  Wycliffe CE Primary School would like to give notice of changes to the school’s Admission Policy for the 2020/21 academic year onwards.

Admissions policy consultation Document for 2020/21

The draft policy for consultation can be viewed by clicking the document below, or a copy is available, on request, from the school.

Please click here to view the Admissions Policy

Wycliffe Admissions policy consultation
In line with the Admission Code of Practice the consultation period is from Monday 10th December until Monday 28th January 2019.

Any comments regarding the proposed policy should be made via email, to Mr G Denison, Chair of Governors by Monday 28th January 2019, by e-mail to


Note:  The arrangements in respect of children with an Education, Health & Care Plan, or Looked After Children are statutory so comments are not invited on these parts of the policy.