We support many charities by holding fun days, whole school events to raise awareness for different causes and to help our children become courageous advocates for change. Charities we have supported so far..
- Water Aid
- Trussell Trust
- Little Princess Trust
- Bradford North Food Bank
- Children in Need – raised £226.07 !
- Comic Relief – raised £437.00!
- Macmillan Cancer support – raised £116.00!
- NSPCC – Number Day – £70.50!
- Save the children
- Disaster Emergency committee
- Poppy Appeal – raised £299.53!
- Jeans for Genes – raised £209.00!
- Winston’s wish – raised £335.53!
- Zarach – raised £68.50!
We welcome children to share with us any specific charities they feel passionately towards supporting. As a school we like to support them with fundraising.
Wycliffe CE Primary pupils are taking part in an Applied Creativity Lab workshop to help children and young people find new ways to reduce air pollution. The process starts with IVE delivering the workshops and introducing the challenge of reducing air pollution. Over a 9 week period the children are supported to create and develop their ideas ready to present at an Industry Panel pitch at their school. The pitch events are scored and the team with the most original, applicable and affordable idea will go forward to a grand final pitch event in Bradford City Centre on Clean Air Day in June 2023.
Bradford Council and Born in Bradford are funding Leeds based charity IVE to deliver Applied Creativity Labs in 11 primary schools in Bradford to help children develop creative problem-solving skills to find new, innovative ways to reduce air pollution during Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023. 165 children Year 5 & 6 children (10/11 yr olds) are all busy working on developing new ideas having had creative thinking and problem-solving training from IVE and having heard from a variety of experts and professionals with a vested interested in reducing air pollution.
“It is great for the children of Wycliffe CE school to be involved in this project and for them to develop their knowledge and ideas to improve air pollution. Our school is close to a main road, where air pollution has negative health effects on our children as they walk to school. Anything we can do to help children and parents understand learn how to reduce air pollution is really worthwhile.”
Chris Holdsworth, Deputy Headteacher.
Cllr Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy People and Places, said,
“It is fabulous to see so many children interested in developing their ideas to reduce air pollution, particularly here in Bradford where air pollution levels are above the legal limits. The Bradford Clean Air Zone is only one part of our journey, the Applied Creativity Labs are integral to learning and understanding why we must improve air quality in order to improve the health of everyone in the district. I am looking forward hearing the pitches from the finalists at our event on Clean Air Day 2023”
Further information can be found here:
IVE – Applied Creativity Labs: https://weareive.org/ive-studio/applied-creativity/ Bradford Clean Air Zone: https://www.bradford.gov.uk/breathe-better-bradford/breathe-better-bradford/ Born in Bradford: https://borninbradford.nhs.uk/
Children in Need 2024 – Wear something spotty!
As always a huge thank you to everyone who was able to donate for Children in Need. As a school, we raised a total of £226.07. It was fantastic to see so many of you wearing spots and embracing our ‘spotty’ crafts during our Open Morning.
Give a Child a Hope
On Tuesday we were blessed to receive a visit from the team at ‘Give a Child a Hope’. All year we have been collecting for this charity and it was wonderful to see the good uses that our money and that of others has been put to. The Bishop from Matugga was truly inspirational! We heard all about what the Revival Centre is like and even learnt some traditional songs and dances.
NSPCC – Number Day
Wycliffe were an addition to NSPCC’S Number Day 2023. Multiple children wore calculated costumes. Together, we totalled £70.50. This is enough to cover almost 20 calls to Childline.
For Children in Need, every year we are doing something different to fundraise from Pyjama Day to Mad Hair Day !
This year (wear something spotty) we raised an amazing £126.00.
Thank you to all our children, parents and staff!
Fairtrade assembly
Lots of activities went on during Fairtrade Friday—many thanks to Miss Furniss, Mrs. T Hill and Miss Rawling who organised this.
As part of Anti-Bullying week, we are celebrating what makes us unique with an Odd Socks Day! We have a full week planned of class activities that help us to understand how to reach out to support others, spread kindness and how to report bullying or worries.