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Celebration Assemblies take place every Friday morning – They  rotate weekly for KS1 & kS2.        Celebration Images – Browse 19,381,969 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video ...

Parents will be notified by text, if their child will be receiving an award.

Friends & Family are welcome to attend!


The current stars of the week are:

Oak: Evie H & Sabira Y 

Maple: Franklin W & William H

Cedar: Milo R & Riley W

Hazel: Ayyub H & Jacob S

Chestnut: Ruby K & Zaynab A 

Elm: Louis E & Isla M

Cherry: Alice W & Zack L 

Willow: Hannah W & Isabelle N 

Ash: Ruby H & Zak C 

Pine: Indie E & Zach R 

Laurel: Alice D & Eddie C 

Rowan: Jeanie H & James B 

Yew: Abiyaan I & Joey P

Headteacher’s Award: