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Pupil Council

Our School Council is made up 1 child from each class who are democratically elected to represent the views of all children and they work together to make Wycliffe an even better school. School Council members meet to discuss many different aspects of school life and have a big say in how our school is run.

How do I get elected if I want to become part of the School Council?

Elections for the School Council are held every year in the autumn term. If you have just served on the School Council for the previous year, we ask that you do not stand again for the next year, as we like to give different children the chance to take part.

At School Council election time, all children in school are invited to stand if they are interested. You will need to prepare a short speech to persuade class members to vote for you! You might like to prepare a campaign poster or write some notes to help you. Share with your class all the reasons why you would make a great Class Councillor – perhaps you are full of good ideas, a good listener, maybe you are good at organising events and enthusiastic!

After you have shared your ideas with your class, everyone in your class will be asked to vote. The elections for School Council are a good example of democracy; this means everyone in your class has the chance to be involved in deciding who will be the Class Councillors, as everyone has a vote. Our elections run just like the General Election that decides who is in government for the country.

Who is the lead teacher for the School Council?

Mrs Baxter and Mr Hussain lead on this aspect of school life. They attend all the meetings and oversee the work of the School Council. They are very enthusiastic and love working with the School Council!

When do the School Council meet?

The School Council meets regularly through the school year. The School Council display board inside the hall and this website page give you information about what the School Council has been working on. The agendas and minutes for the meetings are on display on the School Council board and the minutes are on this website page also.

I am not a member of the School Council. How are my views and ideas listened to?

If you have a great idea or something you want the School Council to discuss, please use the suggestions wallet in the school hall, suggestion boxes in your classroom or speak to your Class Councillor. Your Class Councillors are the link between the class and the School Council. When the School Council is taking forward an action e.g. choosing new class names, they will come back to your class for your ideas and they will then share these at the School Council meeting so that everyone’s views are considered.

How can I find out more about the work of School Councils?

You can visit the CBBC Newsround website to find out more about being in a School Council. Click on the link below.


NEWS: The school council have been taking part in a community project to plant a new fruit tree orchard. Read more here.