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We work closely with St.Paul’s Church, Shipley and hold our special services for Easter, Harvest and Christmas there. Reverend Brian and the team support us with fulfilling some elements of our RE curriculum. Classes visit the church when learning about places of worship and special ceremonies. We are also lucky to benefit from our links with The Zephaniah Trust and Open the Book who hold weekly Collective Worships in our school.

Our relationship with another local Church (St. Peter’s) extends to 1:1 wellbeing support provided for selected pupils in school.

Each year several events are put on by Shipley Baptist Church that we are lucky to attend such as various re-wind and fast forward events focusing on Christmas, Easter and Transition.

Y3 Visit to a Gurdwara 

Y2 Visit to a Mosque

This week, Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Masjid Al-Furqaan and Education Centre, a local Mosque in Shipley. The Imam taught them how people enter a Mosque respectfully, how many times Muslims pray in a day and about the importance of respect between religions. The children asked lots of questions and had the chance to join in with a prayer.


Year 3’s visit to a Gurdwara.

Y3 visited the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara in Bradford. They learned many new things that will assist them in understanding their Sikhism topic.



Year 2’s RE lesson at St. Paul’s Church

This week in Chestnut Class, our RE lesson took place at St. Paul’s Church. We spent the afternoon learning about all of the features of a Church and their purpose. It was great to see them in real life! Once we had been on a hunt for all of the features, we were able to ask lots of questions about them. Then we listened to a story from the Bible. We can’t wait to show off what we have learnt in our RE books next week. 



We are proud to announce we won best tree at St. Paul’s Church Christmas Tree Festival! Amazing work put in by children and staff.