In Year 4, we are going to be learning through a variety of exciting topics with the aim of becoming confident and independent in our learning. Our topics this year will focus on answering some big questions which include: What did the Romans ever do for us?; Which is the deadliest mountain. Ben Nevis or Mount Everest?; and Would life be the same today without the Ancient Greeks?
Each of our topics will underpin the learning that is carried out throughout the curriculum in Maths, English, Science and all of our foundation subjects. Our learning will be demonstrated in lots of ways, including research, discussions, diagrams and written work.
Alongside our academic skills, we will also be taking time to reflect and develop our emotional skills. Particularly in PSHE, we will be focusing on our wellbeing and looking at how we can maintain healthy relationships, celebrate our achievements and stay safe.
Please support your child with their learning at home e.g. daily reading, completing half termly homework projects, learning times tables and weekly spellings. Your encouragement and support is invaluable.
PE DAY: Wednesday