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01274 584779

Yew teacher: Mrs R Brodrick

P.E Day: Tuesday & Thursday
Scooter Day: Thursday

Welcome to Yew! Your child is now in their final year at primary school and what a busy year we have planned. Year 6 is a challenging but exciting year!

There are high expectations for your child and we will do all that we can to help your child achieve those expectations. We require children to be active learners and take responsibility for their learning. They can do this at home by reading, learning spellings and completing any homework that we set. We encourage all pupils to access Times Tables Rockstars and Accelerated Reader online, to enhance their learning. In school, they will be required to listen, follow our school rules and complete their tasks to the best of their ability.

In Year 6, we have SATs in May and we work really hard to ensure that all the children have the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential. However, we also try to ensure that we have fun along the way and provide the children with some lovely lasting memories- one of these being our Residential Trip to Robinwood.

To make our learning as exciting as possible we will have a topic to underpin each term. These include; Rainforests, The Vikings and an in depth study into Saltaire. Then we will work towards creating an exciting production to end our year!

As you know, we endeavour to ensure that all learners show respect for everything and we constantly remind learners of our School Vision and the Christian Values that underpin our every action. We as a school will continue to support you in reminding your child of these values and the importance of following our high expectations for learning and behaviour.

We, as a school, want to ensure that your child reaches their full potential, emotionally, socially and academically and we feel that this is best achieved when we work collaboratively alongside parents.